Prenuptial Agreements
What is a prenuptial agreement?
A prenuptial agreement (prenup) is an agreement made by a couple before they marry or enter a de facto relationship concerning the ownership of their respective assets should the relationship or marriage fail.
When do you need a prenuptial agreement?
Generally a prenuptial agreement is necessary when one party feels they have more to lose than another in the event of a breakdown separation or divorce.
Things to consider
At the time of entering the agreement, either party may have debts and liabilities the other does now want to accept responsibility for. There may also be property, business interests, investments and family heirlooms that a breakdown could threaten.
Why do I need a solicitor for this?
In the event of a separation and divorce, only a formal agreement prepared by your solicitor will be recognised by the Court.
A formal prenuptial agreement protects your interests so no matter how bad it gets, you are protected.
Stay out of Court
The worst possible outcome in any legal dispute is for the matter to end up in Court. Matters that end up in Court almost always involve compromise and are always expensive - and the money has to come from somewhere meaning it comes out of the disputed asset pool. So either way, you lose.
When you call Peter G Williams & Associates about your prenuptial agreement requirements, you know our objective is to protect you and what’s yours without going to Court.
Call now on 07 3849 8170 to arrange an appointment to see one of our friendly solicitors. The first 15 minutes of your consultation with us is free if you mention this offer at the beginning of your meeting with us.